Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Will you really catch a grenade for me?

Firstly, the post that you're about to read bears no relation to the title whatsoever.
Disclaimer aside, I've been okay (thanks for asking). I'm currently typing this while on my bed, with faithful Eeyore next to me.

Today, I thought of places which I would like to visit before I die. They include:

1. Santorini, Greece -(I've seen so many beautiful pics of this place and just must go there! I like how it looks so out of this world.)

2. Bali - now who can resist Asia's own exotic holiday destination. It's got people with my skin colour (yay home at last), and people that braid your hair for you at the beach!

3. Bangkok - this one I must go with my bestfriends! I've heard of how shopping is uber cheap there. Hopefully mommy will let me go sometime soon.

4. India - Yeah, strangely it's not China. I wonder why. But I heard that the food in India causes stomachache, and one must take a jab before going there. For this I'm having second thoughts, but hey, it's India. I love Indian food! Esp Northern Indian ones!

5. To be continued...(I will add on to this list as I progress in life!) and I'm opened to suggestions! hee hee.

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