Tuesday, November 2, 2010

An observation

A friend of mine recently exclaimed, "Imagine a world without emotions! It would be really sad because we wouldn't be able to feel happiness!"

Well, a world without emotions would mean we would not know what is sadness OR happiness. Thus, we would have nothing to compare our sorrows or joy with, because, isn't it all relative?

Emotion brings us on a roller coster ride with it. As exhilarating as the feeling may be when we are on top, as thrilling as it may feel when we go down, there are still some twists and turns in the ride that make us sick and want to puke our guts out. We forget that emotion is only one part of the soul. We forget that our soul also consists of the mind and will. Often we let our emotions overpower our mind and our mind to overpower our will. This imbalance in turn cripples us. Sigh why are we such sadists?

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